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In Engleza
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Au fost găsite 61 de poze ce conţin tagul "
Fk this school
Pot sa am 18 sau 30 de ani
Am fost jefuiti?
8 years old me after drinking Cola with Wine
When you tell ur mom that u r sick
11 years old me deleting all the files
Si pe tine to mama mea te-a imbracat
Hai odata, mai barbosule
Traim intr-o lume in care astia de 12-13 ani sunt
Cand ma-ta o bate pe sora-ta si tu urmezi
Mama: sper ca in seara asta te culci mai devreme
Adolescenta inainte de internet
Eu intrand peste mama in bucatarie
My mom yelling at me that I'm a failure
Cand eram mic si imi dadea mama sirop
Official sign that the kitchen is now closed
Ice cream isn't dinner
Pana la 7 ani am crezut ca ma cheama "du-te la mag
8 year old me after coming inside
You have 5 minutes to copy everything
When I grow up I'll be an amazing and cool person
When you tried faking being sick to stay at home
Can stii ca mai sunt 2 saptamani de vacanta
Copii mancand spanac si ciorba de pamant si frunze
7 year old me switching the car light
The boys waiting outside - DBZ
When mom begins to type www.po on your computer
Oare de ce nu raspunde mama la telefon?
Eu umbland dupa mama cand ii dau telefonul
That feeling because you own your own ball
2004 kids and their 20s
Spuneti nepotelului dvs. sa nu ma mai imite
And that's the day he knew he didn't want to play
Cand imi aduc aminte cati ani fac anul asta
S-a bucurat bunica cand ne-a vazut
Da slarpu nu-ti fac nimic
Dad have you seen my hard drive?
Eu cu tata in masina ascultand
In sfarsit un copil fara telefon
Tata, vii sa ma iei si pe mine din oras?
My dad and I when we see each other at 3am
When relatives visit your home and your mom
Me fighting with my brother
Banii din copilarie
When you memorize your dad's belt - DBZ
Going and coming from grandma's house
Mom's in 1999 and in 2023
Parents went for shopping. Sisters and brothers